Monday 5 March 2018

Driving Under the Influence Orange County Attorneys

DUI, or driving under the influence, is often referred as drunk driving. It is a crime, and any person found guilty of DUI can be charged with various penalties ranging from monetary charges up to imprisonment depending upon the facts involved in the case, and if there are any priors. California law has a minimum and maximum for DUI cases, but among counties, the procedures and punishment varies.  Among the harshest for DUI punishment is Orange County. If you are facing a DUI in any Orange County court, having an attorney who can help in offering legal assistance and support can greatly help you to come out of your case with minimal punishment.

As a criminal offense, a DUI conviction could put you behind bars for a prolonged period of time, although that is rare for first time offenders. As a criminal act,even a first time DUI can cause you to face up to six months in jail maximum. DUI Attorneys who specialize in handling DUI cases in Orange County can help, and the experience handling similar cases can cause you to be way ahead of others in terms of punishment or even avoiding a conviction.

Lawyers and attorneys specializing in DUI cases do not encourage the act of driving while under the influence of liquor or other drugs, but are experienced in analyzing whether the prosecution can even prove the case. In Orange County, almost every day, numerous drivers are found guilty of driving under the influence. Most of the cases that are dismissed, or reduced, from a DUI conviction, did so with the assistance of an Orange County DUI attorney.

Police officers have no right to arrest you if you are driving without any violation of the law. The requirement of probable cause means that they must have a solid basis before they stop you and interrogate you. At first, if they notice that you are driving carelessly on a public road, or violate any traffic laws, they could investigate further. Once they have probable cause to arrest, they may test your breath or blood alcohol level to determine the amount of alcohol in your body.

Just to be clear, driving alone will not make you a violator of the law, unless if you havespecific traffic violations that lead to a suspicion of DUI. Most often, police officers are given a tip via phone call that you are driving under the influence, and the probable cause may be what the independent witness saw as far as driving.

Even with probable cause, a blood test, or breath test, is required for evidence showing DUI. Before any test, the arresting police officer will interrogate you and if he or she detects any signs of intoxication, such as an odor of alcohol, slurred speech, or red watery eyes, he or she will ask you to take a specific breath or blood test. Blood tests, and breath tests, are not always accurate, and are required to be strictly calibrated, and maintained, or the test cannot be used in court.

You know already that drunk driving or driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs can lead to severe consequences. As I mentioned earlier, this considered by Orange County courts and Orange County prosecutors as a serious crime, for which they have zero tolerance. That is why you need legal counsel who is able to defend you in the court, educate you, and guide you through what can be done, and how to get out of this with no punishment, reduced punishment, or minimal punishment. Participating in your defense requires you to have an understanding of some basics of this field of law, as it is likely that you have never faced a DUI before now.

Always remember that you have a right to defend yourself in the court.Being arrested without any probable cause, being forced to perform field sobriety tests without a clear indication that you had been drinking and having tests without a properly maintained or calibrated breath or blood measuring device is improper in all cases.

Today, a DUI is not considered something worth simply dismissing without legal reasons – it is a criminal offense punishable by possible jail time. Drivers can refuse to take any testing if they are pulled over for DUI, but, in most states, they lose their license for a year if they refuse to submit to an penitentiary test for alcohol. In Orange County, those who have been convicted of a DUI for the first time do not have to install a device in their car that they must blow into before starting the car. But they do have fairly strict probation terms for all DUI cases in Orange County.

Drivers who are under the influence and cause a fatal accident are charged with a felony, sometimes up to murder, and run the risk of being charged and carry a massive prison term. No longer does someone get away with "sleeping it off" and paying a small fine when they are found guilty of drinking and driving in Orange County. To avoid all these penalties and even more harsh long-term consequences, consult a DUI attorney in Orange County.

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