Wednesday, 7 February 2018

What You Need to Know About An Orange County DUI

Although virtually every state has strict laws to deal with people who drive under the influence, people still drink and drive every day. Different states have varying penalties for DUI offenses. With the dangers posed by driving under the influence, it is easy to understand why some states have very strict penalties even for first time offenders. In Orange County, California, a DUI charge can result in jail time, hefty fines, probation and license suspension.

A DUI is a serious charge, especially in cases where it may have led to an accident. So, if you are facing the charges, you might want to find a good lawyer because it’s not a good position to be in. Although there are government appointed lawyers, it is advisable that you hire a lawyer of your own. You want the best lawyer in your case with so much at stake. Generally, upon a sentencing to a DUI, you’ll most likely receive some category of criminal conviction such as a fine, community service or even a jail term. Also, your driver’s license will most likely be revoked or suspended for some period of time. This will be-determined by the facts of the offense. However, your lawyer can assist you obtain driving privileges with the provision of obtaining a restricted license to drive from and to work.

A First Time DUI in Orange County: What to expect

Though California classifies a first DUI crime as a misdemeanor, do not underrate the serious repercussions of a first DUI conviction or arrest. When charged with your first DUI, it is ideal that you make sure you understand the obligatory sentence and punishments associated with the nature of DUI charge as well as the long- term effects of a DUI sentence.

Effects of a First DUI Misdemeanor

Whenever people pick up the first time DUI, they usually believe they’ll get probation since it is a first DUI misdeed. In Orange County, first time DUI malefactors are placed on some kind of probation. However, the court can still order a person to serve jail time in any county jails as a prerequisite of your probation. Even for misdemeanor misdeeds, you can still be forced to serve jail time.

However, your history can determine whether you can apply for a hardship license or occupational driver’s license of not. Agreeing to probation for any DUI charge normally includes a substantial fine, probation fees, urinalysis fees and court costs. You will be required also to attend and finish alcohol and drug counseling as well as community service hours.

Punishment for a DUI

As we’ve seen, your first DUI charge will most likely be taken as a misdemeanor offense, and you’ll be punished with license suspension, community service, fines and possible probation.

However, there are some factors which can change the nature or level of your charges and result in enhanced penalties or sentences. For instance, if you’ve got an open container in your car, you may be charged still with a misdemeanor. However, your mandatory jail sentence or fine could be increased. In case a kid under age 14 was present in the car while you were driving, Orange County will raise your misdemeanor charge by filing child endangerment charges, or a sentencing enhancement, such that it becomes a more serious conviction, even if you’venever in your life had a previous drunk driving sentence.

In addition to the criminal element of DUI, every DUI has an administrative nature which can just be as hectic as the charge itself. For instance, because the DMV acts separately, before you’re convicted, the State of California can suspend your license automatically if you refuse a breath test or blood test, have a breath or blood level above an .08% alcohol level, or fail to request a hearing at all.

Long- Term Effects of Multiple DUI Convictions

Definitely the most essential aspect of your first DUI offense areavoiding as many of the long- term effects as possible. If you’re placed on probation but unfortunately you do notreceive a final sentence because your conviction was deferred or suspended, you should know that your conviction can still be used later against you, as it remains on your record.

If your record indicates that you have three or more prior DUI arrests, then a DUI offense can be raised to a felony level conviction. Don’t assume that just since your state will consider your charge a misdemeanor that any other state you’re visiting will also do the same.

Situations that May Make You Require a DUI Lawyer in Orange County, California

Impaired or drunk driving is an offense that is taken seriously by judges, due to the fact that it risks the lives of other motorists. This makes the stakes of any DUI case to be quite high. Most people convicted of a DUI offense in California often lose their license for a specific time period, in rare cases will serve a jail sentence, or pay hefty fees and fines to a number of different agencies. Even if the DUI attorney is not able to dismiss the case, he/ she can make it possible to minimize the sentence as much as possible.

Getting Assistance from a DUI Lawyer

Even a first time DUI arrest can still have a lingering effect on your employment opportunities, finances, driving privileges, and criminal history. Make sure that you do not ignore a DUI charge simply because it is your first time DUI offense. Act quickly to consult with any reliable DUI lawyer in your area, who can assist you tackle the numerous issues associated with your driving under the influence charge. Be assured that with a little research on your part, you will be able to secure the best Orange County DUI attorneys.

Advantages of Hiring a DUI Attorney

The first benefit to you that is associated with a reliable DUI attorney in Orange County is that he or she knows the important legal standards and/ or rules (and local court procedures and/or customs) in-depth for prosecution of a person driving while under the influence of alcohol, or drugs.

Despite the fact that a family attorney can easily draft pleadings, he/ she may not be well versed with latest necessities for breath tests, sobriety check points, blood draws, or field sobriety tests. There are defenses unique to DUI cases that even other attorneys are not aware of.

A reputable DUI attorney in Orange County will definitely present your case more persuasively and effectively than you can.

Conclusion – Why Hire the Best?

If you are in Orange County, California, and are facing a DUI, do not compromise your case with a person that is less qualified. You need a person who is not only an expert but also has a proven track record of successfully defending DUI cases.

10 Tips for Hiring the Best DUI Attorney in Orange County, CA

Drinking Under Influence (DUI) charges in Orange County, California can be costly. From fines and penalties, probation to years of summary ...